Our Science Program is in Jeopardy! Will you Help?

Did you know the Sunrise PTA underwrites the entire budget for our science program including the laboratory and dedicated science specialist?  The Auction, held every other year, is the primary revenue source for the science budget and covers two school terms.  Appeals have gone out but Chairs for the 2014 Auction have yet to be identified.  Without an auction, our science program is in jeopardy.

The Sunrise parent, teacher, staff, and community support for the Auction is incredible.  It is the social event of the year!  Now all we need are our leaders.  In the past, Auction Chairs have booked the venue and vendors, managed the budget, and assembled and led a dedicated group of committee chairs to execute their vision for the event.

Do it your way or follow the lead of previous Chairs.  Boiler plate materials have already been created for budgeting, procurement, business appeals, displays, communication, etc. and Jen Guadagno and Lindsay Rogers, 2012 Auction Chairs, will be consultants on your project if you wish.

The 2014 Auction is held in the spring so identifying the Chairs now is paramount to its success.  Decisions must be made soon about where the event will be held and which vendors are needed.  Later in 2013, talent and treasure will pour in from Sunrise families when you put the call out for volunteers and donations.

Please consider contributing your time and talent and raise your hand to be an Auction Chair.  The reward will far outweigh the work and a grateful school with an outstanding science program will be your legacy!


Thank you for your consideration,

The Sunrise PTA

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